Still a Busy Bee…Week and Half Recap Part 2

After returning to work from a nice, but too-quick mini vacation for Josh’s birthday, I found myself wanting to make a purchase…a purchase of what, you may ask?

A new bike!!

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I haven’t had a bike since I was a kid, and even then, I was never really a big bike rider; I always preferred rollerblading. I think I’d still prefer rollerblading to biking, but with all the running I’ve gotten used to now, rollerblades just didn’t sing to me the way this cute-as-all-hell cruiser did. I saw it about a month ago at Dick’s Sporting Goods, and wanted it then for it’s sheer cuteness, but I refrained, thinking, “Will I actually ride it? Do I even like riding a bike?” After mulling that over for a month, I decided that, yep, I will ride it and I will like riding a bike!



I got it for a steal too – It was on sale at the time for $123, and since I had to purchase the floor model, I haggled another 10% off! Nice deal! Unfortunately, by the time we got home from buying it, it was dark out, and though we have streetlamps a plenty in our ‘hood, I didn’t want to risk my first time being back on a bike to the darkness. And I wanted to get a helmet. #safetyfirst, amiright?

Since Saturday mornings are my long-run day/time, I planned to take it for a recovery spin after my run…yeah. My hips laughed at me after that thought. I had to do 9mi last Saturday, and I somehow ended up being a speed demon again and running all sub-9min miles!! My short-run-speed training is paying off!! So excited.

But yeah…the bike didn’t get its debut that day. I did, however, hobble around WalMart, sore hip and all, that day buying a basket and tassels (not yet donning the bike in the above picture).

Sunday was the culmination of Josh’s birthday week, and I had a kayaking excursion booked for us! It turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day, thankfully, and we had such a great time out on the water! Neither of us had kayaked in a while – I had only ever been once in college- so we were a little hesitant about how easy/hard it would be, and if we’d really enjoy it…but it ended up being a really positive experience!


We rented a tandem kayak, via Groupon, from Cove Cay Marina, and I couldn’t have been happier with the experience! The man who assisted us was friendly and helpful, and we had zero issues.


After kayaking, we met my mom for a quick snack of Fro Yo, a personal fave of mine, and then we headed home so Josh could get in position (i.e: in the recliner) for the Buc’s game! And hey, good news- they won! Beat the Saints, actually, which is awesome!

While Josh reclined and yelled at the TV, I FINALLY took my bike out!

It was great! I absolutely LOVE my new bike. I rode 5mi, which felt perfect after having used my upper-body all morning at kayaking, and the weather was still gorgeous. What a perfect Sunday!

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(FYI, I was out cold by, like, 9pm. So sleepy after such an action-packed week!)

Now, here we are getting ready to roll into the next busy weekend already! Time flies regularly, but geesh, even more so when you’re busy!

This week I have had after-work plans ever night: Monday I went to my friend’s new house to work out and hang with her, her hubs, and their son, Ryan, who just turned 3! He’s a cutie, and such a sweet kid! This is him with Pepper:

Tuesday night I had to teach dance, per usual, which was a blast after having last week off due to our Disney vaca. The kids killed their choreography Tuesday! Wednesday, I had agreed to sub two dance classes for another hip-hop instructor, so back to dance I went… and well, not trying to make anyone jealous or anything, but tonight (Thursday)…I’m going with my dad to see Billy Idol! Meet and Greet passes and all! Whoo! Sure to be a great time.

Phew! That about covers these last almost-two weeks.

Just to further promote how busy I’ve been…I think I’ll play played hooky from work tomorrow today to catch up on Zzzs – I have my back-to-back 10k-5k-1mi race Saturday afternoon to rest up for! Don’t want to bonk a Challenge race!! Free beer and food after completion, too! Huzzah!

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